Nick Christie
Brisbane, Australia
Reviewed by
Kova Tax
Registered Tax Agent
Fees charged on crypto withdrawals for Australian users, are subject to GST. If you are registered for GST, then you may be able to claim at least 75% of the GST paid, provided the crypto exchange you use is collecting GST and you have the necessary documentation.
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Crypto withdrawal fees

If you have an account with an online crypto exchange, you are normally also able to withdraw and transfer your cryptocurrency to another crypto exchange, or into a crypto wallet.

On almost all crypto exchanges, a withdrawal fee will be charged on any crypto withdrawals that you initiate. The withdrawal fee charged varies depending on the exchange and the crypto asset being transferred, but generally the withdrawal fee is set to cover the network fees that the exchange will incur when processing the on-chain transaction.

You may not have considered this before, but the withdrawal fee that you are charged for is actually a payment for a service. You are paying the crypto exchange to process your withdrawal request. Whenever a service is charged to an Australian user, then the GST implications must be considered.

Do digital currency exchanges have to charge CGT on withdrawal fees

The default GST treatment for a digital currency exchange providing a crypto withdrawal service to an Australian user, is that GST must be charged. However, there are special rules that may apply to some corporate entities which are registered under the Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001 or financial services licensees whose licence covers dealings in at least one financial product or dealings in derivatives.

As it stands, most Australian digital currency exchanges do not fall under this classification, and as such are required to charge GST on withdrawal fees.

Claiming GST paid on crypto withdrawal fees

When blockchain networks become congested, the network fees start to increase, and so do the withdrawal fees charged by digital crypto exchanges. If you are processing a lot of transfers from Australian exchanges, it may be worth considering claiming the GST paid on withdrawal fees where possible.

You will be able claim GST paid on crypto withdrawal fees provided:

  • You or the entity is registered for GST.
  • The exchange has provided confirmation of the GST components in the form of an eligible tax invoice or tax statement.
  • You keep records to substantiate your GST claim.

Reduced credit acquisitions

Many crypto traders and business will not be entitled to claim the full amount of GST paid. This is because the fees are related to GST financial supplies, crypto. If you are not eligible to claim the entire amount of GST paid, then normally you will still be entitled to claim 75% of the GST paid. Your accountant will be able to walk you through the eligibility requirements and help you make a decision, or you can check the ATO’s guidance on reduced credit acquisitions.

Key takeaway

Withdrawal fees for crypto transferred from Australian exchanges are normally subject to GST.

If you are registered for GST, then you will normally be entitled to claim at least 75% of the GST paid on crypto withdrawal fees.


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A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

GSTR 2002/2  Goods and services tax: GST treatment of financial supplies and related supplies and acquisitions.

Goods and Services Tax Ruling GSTR 2004/1 Goods and services tax: reduced credit acquisitions.

Australian Taxation Office, Four exceptions for claiming a GST credit, last updated 10 Apr 2017.


The information in this article reflects our understanding of existing legislation, proposed legislation, rulings and other tax law, as at the date of issue. In some cases, the information has been provided to us by third parties. While it is believed the information is accurate and reliable, this is not guaranteed in any way.

The information provided in this article is purely factual in nature and does not constitute tax advice, financial product advice or legal advice. The information is not, nor is it intended to be, comprehensive or a substitute for professional advice on specific circumstances. If you require professional advice that takes into account your particular circumstances, you should consult an appropriate professional.